Monday, September 17, 2007

Reseach - 5 websites

Stardust is a braoadcast producer.On
every page, the title always is on top
left. Navigation is on the left whereas
the body copy of the content is on the
right. Navigation system for this website
is breadcrumbs, from main title to sub-title.
There is a pull-down button on the right to
show Stardust updated news every month.

Kangaroos is a shoe brand. As we can see
from every page, the title is not consistantly
on certain area. The navigation can be both right
and left side which depends on the location of
body copy of content. When the body copy of
content is on the right, the navigation is on the
left. When the body copy of content is on the
left, the navigation is on the right. Copy right
and term & conditions are always at the bottom.
Navagation system is a pull down menu. There
is sound button on top right. The page to page
transition is very interesting.
This is website regarding on a restaurant.
On the homepage itself is very interesting.
The title is on bottom right. The navigation
on the homepage is growing form the center.
The navigation is a tab-stop at the bottom
of every sub-page. The body copy of content
in the center. Copy right and contact info
are at the bottom of every sub-page as well.

SectionSeven is a design agency. The navigation
system is linear path where user have to scroll
to left or right. The title is on top left. The navigation
is in the middle, where after click on it, the body
copy of content will open from the center. Contact info
is at the bottom as well as the monthly updated news.

Obviously Clarks is a shoe brand. The title
is always on top left. The navigation on the
homepage is an iconic navigation. On every
sub-page, there is a list of link on the left.
The body copy of content is in the center.
Copy right and term & conditions are always
at the bottom. There is special display on
top left for clicking on the location icon
at the stock page. The web design is simple
and clear.